How to Stream to Kick on Xbox

If you stream directly from your Xbox, then I’m sure you know that your only option is to stream to Twitch. However, this tutorial is going to show you how to stream directly to Kick from your Xbox. Let’s jump in!

Step 1: Have Twitch Ready on Your Xbox

First things first, you’re going to need Twitch on your Xbox so we can get it over to Kick. Go ahead and make sure you’re logged in, or set up your account. 

Step 2: Checking your Twitch streaming settings

Start off by going onto your Xbox and making sure that your Twitch settings are correct. Hit the home button on your Xbox and head over to where it says ‘Live Streaming’. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 2

Go ahead and press ‘Start Your Stream’. If you haven’t connected your Twitch to your Xbox yet, then now is when you should do that. Once your Twitch is connected, go down to where it says ‘More Options’ and click on this. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 2B

It is very important to focus on your bit rate and resolution as these determine the quality of your stream. Of course, we want to have the highest quality stream, and if you have these settings right on your Xbox, then they will also be right on Kick.

For your bit rate, 6,000 is typically the safe spot for having a good-quality stream. To find out if your internet will allow for 6,000, head to on your Xbox browser or on one of your other devices. All you need to do is press ‘Go’ and it will give you a ‘Download Speed’ and an “Upload Speed’. We need to focus on the ‘Upload Speed’.

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If your ‘Upload Speed’ is 12 or more, then you can utilize the 6,000 Bitrate on your Xbox with no issues. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 2D

Once you have double-checked your upload speed, you can go ahead and select the ‘1080p - 6,000p’ option. 

Step 3: Setting Up Aircast

Before going live on your Xbox, you’ll need to go to either your Xbox browser or your browser on another device. For this next portion, you only need to do these steps once which is really nice. It will automatically start streaming on Kick and Twitch when you begin streaming on your Xbox.

We’re going to go to a website called You can sign up using this link! This is what we are going to use to send the stream from Twitch over to Kick. 

Aircast will allow you to stream to more than just Kick if you want to utilize this feature! 

It should be noted that while Aircast is not free, for the price that you pay per month,  it is much cheaper than purchasing a capture card or having to buy a computer. If you’re just getting started streaming now, then this is a great option. As you grow, then you can get rid of the subscription and get some more gear, but this is a great first step. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 3

Personally, I prefer the ‘Streamer’ plan, as it allows you to stream to more than one site at a time, thus growing your viewership and community even more. In dollars, these prices equate to around $3.85-$6.85/month. If your plan is to stream to only one location, then the ‘Essential’ plan has everything that you need. This website comes with a 14-day free trial for the ‘Essential’ plan as well.

The other main reason that I would recommend choosing the ‘Streamer’ plan is because of its ‘Auto Start’ feature. This feature allows you to go live on all of your chosen platforms at the same time without having to go to your second platform and start the stream again. When you go live on Twitch from your Xbox, it will automatically start streaming on Kick as well. 

After selecting your plan, you’ll be brought to a page like the one below.

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 3B

From this screen, select ‘Stream Input’ and then select ‘Twitch’. This will ask you to give Aircast permission to access your Twitch account. You’ll want to select ‘Authorize’ and after doing that, your Twitch will be connected!

Returning back to the ‘Auto Start’ feature, we first have to add our ‘Stream Outputs’. Press ‘Add Stream Output’. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 3C

Here, you can see all of the different platforms that you can stream to. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 3D

For now, we’re only going to be selecting Kick. Once you select this, it’s going to ask you for your ‘Stream Key’. In order to get this, head over to

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 3E

Step 4: Adding your Kick Stream Key to Aircast

After logging in to your account, click on your profile icon, and select ‘Settings’. Then, on the left, you’ll see an option that says ‘Stream Key’. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 4

Now, it’s going to go ahead and give you your Stream Key. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 4B

You’re going to copy this and we’ll paste it into Aircast. 

Note: It is very important that you do not share your stream key with anyone. If someone gets a hold of this, it would allow them to stream on your behalf.

Once it’s pasted into Aircast, before clicking ‘Save’, make sure to toggle on ‘Auto Start’ if you chose the ‘Streamer’ plan. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 4C

Once this is done, you’ll be able to see that  both your Twitch and your Kick are linked. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 4D

Step 5: Going Live on Your Xbox

After your Aircast is all setup, head back over to your Xbox and select ‘Go Live’. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 5

Give it a few moments to ensure that the live has started and then you should be live on both Twitch and Kick. 

To double-check this, go back over to Aircast and you should see it says ‘Online’ for both Kick and Twitch. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 5B

With the ‘Streamer’ plan, the Kick stream started automatically when I started the Xbox stream. If you chose to get the ‘Essential’ plan, then you will need to go back to Aircast and begin the stream on Kick. 

To further confirm, you can check your Kick channel to see that you are streaming. 

Stream to kick on xbox - Step 5C

By putting in the money now to get Aircast, you are able to stream on multiple platforms at once and grow your community much faster than if you were only streaming on one platform. 

This will help you to be able to start making money off of your streams. Once you do this, that money can be put towards new gear so that you no longer need to use Aircast. 

To make your profile look professional and unique, you will be able to further grow your channel faster. Customizing your streams helps to engage the viewers and will keep them coming back. The best way to do this is through the use of overlays- and Stream Designz has a lot of great options for all kinds of streamers. Investing in your stream now will help it to grow much faster than it otherwise would. 

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