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In this tutorial, I'll be walking you step-by-step through how to set up your 'Just Chatting' scene inside of Ecamm. This way, when you go into intermissions, you're able to have your webcam, chat, gameplay, and stream labels all in one place.
Getting started
The first thing you're going to want to do is to create a scene for your 'Just Chatting'.
If you don't see 'Scenes' on your screen, go to your menu, click 'Window', and then select 'Scenes'. Once you have this, you'll hit the plus sign icon under 'Scenes'. Let's name this 'Just Chatting' and then press 'Enter'.
Now, head back up to the menu bar and select 'Source', then press 'Blank'. After doing this, we can add in our overlay.
Choosing Your Overlays
If you don't have any overlays yet, you should definitely check out Stream Designz. This is where I got the overlays that I will be using today. There are tons of different animated overlay packages to choose from and every overlay package will include a 'Just Chatting' scene overlay.
I'll be utilizing the 'Zen Zone' animated overlay package today and you can see what this looks like and everything that comes with it below.
If you did purchase your overlays from Stream Designz, these will download as a zip file. On a Mac, all you need to do to unzip this is double-click the file, and it will create a new folder with all of the overlays in it.
Once you have your overlays ready to be used, you can head back over to Ecamm.
Adding Your First Overlay
To add your overlays, you'll need to go to the 'Overlays' tab and select the icon that is second from the left on the top row. You can see this below.

Then, you'll find the folder with your overlays, go to where it says 'Overlay Screens', and select 'Just Chatting'. You'll select 'Open' and then you'll be able to see your 'Just Chatting' overlay. You can resize this to fit the screen if needed as well.
At the bottom of the overlay, click on the dropdown menu and select 'Loop'.

Once this is done, you can go to 'Overlays' and lock this in place.
Adding Your Overlay to StreamElements
Next, we're going to head over to StreamElements so that we can start adding in our chat and stream labels.
Once you're there, go ahead and get logged in with whichever platform you'll be streaming on. For me, I'll be logging in with Twitch.
When you get logged in, you'll come to the left-hand side to where it says 'Streaming Tools'. Click on 'Overlays' and then select 'New Overlay'. You can leave the resolution set to 1080p and then hit 'Start'.
Now, select 'Add a Widget', go to where it says 'Static/Custom', and then click 'Video'. Then, select 'Change Video', go to your Stream Designz overlay package in files, select 'Overlay Screens, and then choose 'Just Chatting'. Once you've found this, click 'Open'.
The reason why we're bringing this into StreamElements is so that we can make sure that everything is aligned the way that we want it to be. When the overlay shows up in your videos, click on it and select 'Submit'. Then, you'll have this in place.
Under 'Video Size', you'll want to change this from 'Scale to Fit' to 'Auto' and then adjust this to make it full size.

Now, we have a canvas that we're going to be able to work with.
Adding Your Stream Labels
The first thing we're going to do is rename this to "Zen Zone Just Chatting" and then press 'Save'.
Now, we can start to fill in all of these blank spaces here. Let's start with the stream labels.
To do this, we're going to go to 'Layers' and press the plus sign icon in the bottom-left corner. We'll start by adding a stream label for the latest followers, so you'll come to where it says 'Labels'. Select 'Followers', then 'Latest', and lastly press 'Latest Follower'.
What I like to do now is to customize this so that it says the actual name. So, I'll remove where it says 'Latest Follower' and will only leave where it says '(name)'. Now, I can move this over to the correct spot and start to resize it.
You'll going to want to increase the size of this. To do this, come over to where it says 'Text Settings' on the left-hand side. For me, I'll be using '33', but this really depends on your overlay and preference.
I'm also going to scroll down and make sure that 'Text Shadow' is turned on and that the name is bolded. Now, I'll just center this and get it moved to exactly where I want it to be.

With this in place, we can move on to the next one. Press the plus sign icon again and this time select 'Labels', then 'Subscribers', 'Latest', and then 'Latest Subscriber'.
If you don't see any text popping up, it's just because you don't have a latest subscriber or a latest follower, but you can still go ahead and set this up.
We'll do the same thing here and remove where it says 'Latest Subscriber' and just leave where it says '(name)'.
Then, head over to 'Text Settings' and adjust the font size and positioning until it looks just right.
Let's add one more.
Select the plus sign icon again and go to 'Labels'. Select 'Bits', 'Latest', and then 'Latest Cheer'. Now, we'll just follow the same process that we did for the others.
For this one, we'll remove 'Latest Cheer' and leave just the name and the amount. Once again, adjust the font size and the positioning until it looks right.
Now, you can see that we have our stream labels in place.

Go ahead and press 'Save' so that your labels will stay in place there.
Adding Your Stream Chat
Next, it's time for us to add the 'Stream Chat'.
To do this, press the plus sign icon, go to 'Stream Tools', and then select 'Stream Chat'.
This will add your chat to the screen and you'll need to drag this over to the chat box section of your overlay and resize it. This is where you'll want to make sure that it looks good and is right where you want it to be.

Now, whenever anyone types in the chat, this is where it's going to show up.
Once you've positioned this, you're going to go to where it says 'Dark Chat' and then select 'Custom'. This is what's going to make it transparent.

With this done, we've now finished adding our chat and our stream labels. We still have to add our webcam and our gameplay which we'll do inside of Ecamm.
For now, be sure to press 'Save' on StreamElements. Then, go to layers and find where it says 'Video' and just turn this off for now. After that, go back up by the 'Save' button and click on the paper clip icon to copy the URL. Now, you can head back over to Ecamm.
Once you're back on Ecamm, you'll want to go to 'Overlays' and make sure that your 'Just Chatting' scene is available. Then, go to 'Sources' and press 'Blank'.
You'll press the 'Browser' icon (third from the left on the bottom row) and name this 'Just Chatting Labels'.

You'll also go ahead and copy and paste the link that you just copied from StreamElements into 'Widget URL'.
For the 'Width', you'll need to make sure that this is the same as what you had it, so this will be '1920'. The 'Height' will be '1080'. The 'FPS' should be set to '30'. You'll also want to turn on 'High-Resolution Mode' and 'Keep Running'. Now, you can press 'Add Widget Overlay' and it's going to bring in what you did on StreamElements.
When you make this full-screen, everything will be right where you need it to be.

All of our labels and chat will be there and all we have left to do is add in our webcam and gameplay.
Adding in Your Webcam and Gameplay
Now, we need to go ahead and add a camera. To do this, head back to 'Overlays' and press the camera icon (third from the right on the bottom row).

Then, you'll just resize your camera and place it right above your overlay. We'll want to move this to be under the overlay so that everything looks nice and clean. For this, all you need to do is go to 'Overlays' and move your camera to be beneath your overlay.
With this done, you can now lock your camera in place.
Next, we'll add our gameplay. To do this, you're going to select the camera icon once more and it will give us our camera. Then, hover over the new camera and press the pencil icon on the side. You'll need to make sure that this time you select your gameplay.
You may be using a capture card, which is what I'm using to bring in my gameplay from my PS5. I'll select this and then it will bring in my gameplay. Then, I'll size this up and put it above the overlay in the gameplay spot.
If any of the controls get in your way, you can go to your menu bar, press 'Window', and then select 'Hide Main Controls' and these will go away.
To move your gameplay under the overlay, go to 'Overlays' and then move the camera below the overlay. This way, it all looks nice and clean.

Now, all you need to do is lock the gameplay in place.
At this point, you'll have your stream labels, chat, gameplay, and webcam where they need to be and looking professional.
With this done, the next thing you'll want to do is have alerts pop up here as well. That way, when someone follows you, donates, or subscribes, it will show up. To learn how to do that, check out this video here.
How to Add a Countdown Timer in Ecamm Live (MAC Only)
How to Setup Overlays in Ecamm Live (MAC Only)